14 February, 2008

New Shots

Marina del Rey, California. A few weeks back, I worked with Los Angeles-based photographer, David Noles, to create a new set of headshots for my entertainment industry work. David took several hundred shots and we have since been narrowing them down to a handful. After much sorting and prepping, I now have three shots ready to go. This includes the shot above and the first two below. I have also included a couple of additional, but not yet touched up, favorites below. I chose to go with David due to his amazing sense of light and composition. He is a talented artist and does a lot of work beyond headshots. I encourage you to check out some of his galleries at: http://www.davidnoles.com/ .


  1. hi, my name is... um. henry. these photos are amazing. what a brilliant photographer.


  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    nice.......... i LOVE LOVE LOVE the first picture - you should smile more often! LOVE IT!

    oh and that henry guy... he is RIGHT ON! ;)
