07 April, 2008

On the Wild Side

Marina del Rey, California. Last week, I was approached by NorthSouth Productions of New York, NY, who asked that I submit a video entry for consideration as host of a wildlife television series they are casting for. They asked that I specifically answer the following questions:

- Your name, where you live, your occupation
- Describe your expertise relating to wild animals and the outdoors.
- Describe your experience working with wild animals, specifically in the field
- If you're hiking a mountain and a lion approaches, explain what you should do. Further explain what to do if the lion attacks you.
- What is the most dangerous encounter or experience you've ever had (animal related or other)?
- This show will have you out in the wild, communicating to viewers what to do in the event of an encounter with a deadly animal. The experience will be authentic -- you really will be on location encountering wild animals. Are you willing to do that?
- If possible, show us you working with or encountering a wild animal.

Here is my video:

1 comment:

  1. Finally I feel confident being around mountain lions. Just need to remember my coat and bell. I also look forward to regular encounters with large sharks.
