16 March, 2009

To Sea Patagonia

Melbourne, Florida. The Patagonia Sea (southwestern Atlantic), is one of the most spectacular marine ecoregions on the planet. What it lacks in biodiversity, it more 
than makes up for in productivity and immense aggregations of marine wildlife.  Elephant seals, penguins, sea lions, whales and other megafauna congregate in mass in what can only be referred to as wildlife spectacles. But like many parts of the ocean today, this sea is in trouble. Overfishing, harmful fishing practices, pollution and inadequate management measures threaten this unique area, much of which is still poorly understood.

As a means to raise awareness on and document the conservation status of the Patagonian Sea coast, I am proposing an expedition to traverse Argentina’s coastline from north to south by non-motorized means.  Traveling by kayak and foot (and possibly to a limited extent horseback, bicycle and sail), I plan take photographs, video,
 interviews and collect scientific data on water quality and biodiversity along the way. My proposed starting point for this journey will be the magnificent Iguaçu Falls at the intersect of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. From there, I will work my way by kayak down the Rio Paraná, important in terms of its role as the major source of freshwater discharge into the Patagonian Sea.

Upon reaching the Rio de la Plata, I will then set out by foot, from Buenos to Tierra del Fuego. And this journey is intended to be shared with you. As often as possible, I will upload blog/vlog posts here and on my wilderness blog Walk on the Wild Side. This will be the first stage of a dream to transform this blog from sideline reporting on wilderness news, to an actual day to day account of walking through the wild.

You can help make this dream a reality by voting online for Patagonia See at the Name Your Dream Assignment contest! Additionally, the expedition is in need of all kinds of support ranging from in-kind donations of website construction, to field gear, to actual monetary donations that will support the travel, science and subsistence costs. Please feel free to direct any inquiries or offers of support or collaboration to me, Arlo Hemphill: arlo@arlohemphill.com

The impetus behind this adventure stems from my belief that our oceans are in dire trouble. One means to combat this crisis is to address human activities on the ocean at the scale of large marine ecosystems, of which the Patagonian Sea represents a distinct unit.

But this adventure is also the culmination of a passion that was instilled in me for the wildlife and landscape of Patagonia. I first visited the region in early 2005 when, as a marine program manager for Conservation International, I was invited down to explore some of the wild coastline. It was love at first sight. And my first visit shortly turned into a regular relationship as a steering committee member on the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonia Sea and Areas of Influence. The pictures of me included with this post are from that time.

One of my fondest adventures in the region was with Dr. Claudio Campagna, director of the Wildlife Conservation Society's Sea and Sky Program. I joined Claudio on the Peninsula Valdes and with him had the opportunity to track down a tagged southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina using radio telemetry. The young seal in question also wore a satellite tag and our quest was to remove this tag to access the invaluable oceanographic data collected over a season at sea. In the picture above the young female is temporarily incapacitated after being tranquilized for the removal of the device. The photo here to the right was taken on one of Patagonia’s Estancias, which are large shepherding ranches.

The animal in my company is a young guanaco Lama guanicoe, one of South America’s four species of camel. This particular individual was semi-domesticated, living in association with the Estancia. However, these animals range wild throughout this landscape and are bountiful.

Looking ahead, I see the most challenging portion of this trek to be the lower third of the Argentine coast. It is a wild, harsh landscape with low human population density and miles upon miles of trackless, near-desert wilderness. It is this, and the unknown that lies therein, that draws me more than anything. I appreciate your help in moving this adventure forward and I look forward to sharing this time with you through this blog.

Photo Credits: Arlo and elephant seal (Natalia Machain), Maps of Argentina (Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence, www.worldatlas.com, MSN Encarta), Iguaçu Falls (Wikipidia), Arlo and guanaco (Rodolfo "Bubu" Werner)

12 March, 2009

Take a Walk on the Wild Side

Melbourne, Florida. For the past week, I've been traveling around coastal California. First stop was Monterey, followed by Los Angeles and then returning north to San Francisco. Despite the trip back west and the momentum from the recent television appearances, it looks like I'm going to spend at least another month here in Florida. Life has been good on the sleepy Space Coast and I'm getting a lot of writing done. So, I'm going to stay put for a bit.

Recently, I was considering changing the name of this blog and reformatting it for a wilderness theme. I've always enjoyed posting about my travels as well as sharing thoughts on conservation, exploration and why wilderness is so important. My time here in Florida has really brought this back to the forefront and I thought it might make more sense to streamline the theme for a particular audience (sorry, I don't mean to offend any of you Arlo Hemphill acting/wildlife enthusiasts, but the two are generally distinct interests - lol!). However, Where is Arlo Now?? has also been a great place to share performance clips on my acting and update you on my life in general. Now how could I do away with that?

I couldn't, so I've compromised. I've created a brand new blog dedicated to discussing wilderness exploration and conservation:

You can find this at http://walkwildside.blogspot.com or you can follow it via Facebook.

My camera has been busted for the past couple weeks, so at the moment the new blog is primarily story and newsfeed-oriented. However, I do intend to employ more of a vlog or vlog/blog format once the camera is repaired. Also, just as a heads up, there may be posts that I put on both Where is Arlo Now?? and Walk on the Wild Side. In particular, postings that focus on my personal explorations through wilderness areas might be relevant to both sites. Either way, I invite you to check the new site out!

Before I wrap this post up, I do want to comment on the above cheetah photo. I took this picture at the Nairobi Animal Orphanage in 2000. I had been visiting Kenya for a conference on mangroves, held in the coastal city of Mombasa. On the return trip, I spent a day in Nairobi and took the opportunity to visit Nairobi National Park. The orphanage is just outside the park boundaries and I was the only visitor that day. A friendly conversation started up with the facility's director and he invited me for a "special treat". The treat turned out to be a personal visit inside one of the cages where three cheetah cubs were being kept. Their mother had been shot on a local farm the week before and the orphans were brought here for care before hopefully being released back into the wild someday. I was able to spend some time playing with the cubs and this picture was my favorite from the experience.

08 March, 2009

Choke Patrica Arquette

San Francisco, California. Check out these recent television appearances of Arlo Hemphill on Medium and 1,000 Ways to Die. On Medium, Arlo briefly appears as the Assistant D.A. To view the episode, go to: http://www.nbc.com/Medium/video/episodes/#vid=1048870 . Arlo's scene is in the last "chapter" (or last 15 minutes if you are watching it on tv or via a different source). The scene is a party at the police station and D.A. Devalos (Miguel Sandovalis) is speaking with the medium, Allison Dubois (Patricia Arquette). Arlo approaches D.A. Devalos and leads him away for a phone call during the conversation.

On 1,000 Ways to Die, Arlo plays Karl, a dimwitted man who dies of asphyxiation during a cocoa powder food fight. Check out the scene via this clip: